Out of Category

Some Sims are just irresistible. Masato and Don have no doubt that they belong to this category.
If you are missing an irresistible Lady-killer T-shirt for your irresistible Sim you will find it here.


This is the place where you can find CC or anything else without category.

You can download Don’s T-shirt from my Google Drive: The Lady-killer T-shirt


I love making posters for my game and one of my latest ideas is to always use Simlish fonts on posters and other objects for the game.
You can find them on this Franzillasims page: Giant list of Simlish Fonts

A small collection of what I’ve been tinkering with:

For the most part I use various free photo editing sites, as well as Gimp, Paint 3D and Sims4Studio.

Most recently I’ve been making some postcards for the game, in addition to other small projects I can’t reveal yet as they anticipate the action of my story.


Two posters added in September 2024 – called Alluring Singing:

You can download a selection of my posters from my Google Drive: Sims Posters