67. Trick or treat
These very days, people are celebrating horror everywhere in the streets, and this has inspired the title of the chapter. I guess my readers will not find this chapter particularly frightening. However, I will say that several of the characters will have a shocking and for some also a painful experience during the day. Some may get a treat, but not all. We have a long chapter ahead of us, so let's get started.
66. Backsliding
This chapter is all about relationships. Relationships between people and whatever brings them together. People are basically alone, but the relationships with their surroundings determine whether they feel lonely or met and heard. Although chance often has an influence, much depends on their own active choices. As the header image might suggest, Rasmus falls back into an old unhealthy pattern. Don’t despair….. All may not be so hopeless when we reach the end of the chapter.
65. Full house
I am finally ready with another chapter of Tusnelda’s story. I must warn against large amounts of cat spam, as Trix has once again become the father. Perhaps I should also warn against a hint of nudity… But the kittens are dressed in fur and should not cause any kind of outrage. They are just adorable. In this chapter, Rasmus and Don return home to the demands of everyday life and Tusnelda and Martin try to adapt to their new reality, say, with a house full of cats.