• Tusnelda and Trix

    49. New horizons

    Rasmus has struggled to overcome the longing for Blue for a long time and there are many who worry about him. Tusnelda feels she is stuck and she struggles to avoid the boredom. Martin fights for him and Tusnelda to have some undisturbed time together. When life seems like an endless battle, it's time for you to look up and look at new horizons.

  • Tusnelda and Trix

    48. Clarification

    Sometimes one’s vision may be limited. Maybe it’s because of outside barriers. Maybe the barrier lies within your inner self. In order for the wound to heal, it may be necessary to tear off an ingrown patch. Whatever the pain it causes, it will also lead to a clarification. Only when you can see the full picture it will be possible to make a necessary decision. Only then it will be possible to grow again. This chapter hides an ending that might leave the reader in pain.

  • Tusnelda and Trix

    47. Dirty laundry

    In this chapter, several of the characters will have their patience tested to the limit. Some will have a nice day and others will experience a day they would rather do without. In addition to following our main characters, we will finally see how things go with Blue. A big change is coming.