A turtle's journey

17. There is a crack in everything …

There is always a shadow resting over Finn’s mind, but the light is about to find a crack in it.
Bella has definitely done something good for Finn and maybe it’s starting to look a little brighter for Naja too.

Naja can hardly wait to get to school in the morning.

In the afternoon, Duane comes home with her. It seems that the friendship is getting remarkably close.

It is a little harder to complete the school assignments.

It is Saturday and today Naja has chosen to put herself in the harness…

Finally, the robot was ready.

Now Naja will spend the rest of the day painting.

Finn is always busy collecting garbage and exploring the islands.

Finn also spends a lot of time exploring the local plants and their use.

Now he is going home at full speed.

Every time Finn gets depressed, he gives Bella an extra hug.

Finn becomes completely calm inside when he caresses the little dog.

Now Bella, you and I are going to clean the beaches of garbage and the naughty seagulls.

Finn swims quickly through the water and Bella tries to follow him with her small legs.

There is always a shadow resting over Finn’s mind, but the light is about to find a crack in it.

Finally, Bella has reached the beach and she immediately focuses on the seagulls… now they must be hunted.

Finn has started his daily hunt for garbage and seashells.

He gets many positive expressions from the  conservationists in the area.

Bella loves her part in cleaning up the beach.

Finn finished the tasks early and now the oil barrel is showing its usefulness.

The mood is high while Naja and Finn talk about the day’s experiences…

…. but poor Bella still has a long way home across the water.

There is a crack in everything …… and after the rain the light returns.

Next chapter >


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