A turtle's journey

36. A fairly ordinary day

The vast majority of days go by with work and other ordinary chores. That’s probably how it is for most people … but Finn is not bored.

The next day, the monsoon has returned.

Finn spends the morning at the easel on the terrace.

When the weather clears up, Finn starts the day’s work tasks.

There is always enough to tackle.

Bella has found a nice treasure which she hands over to Finn.

You are such a good and skilled little dog praises Finn.

Then he goes on.

Every time Finn revisits his beloved paradise, he stops thoughtfully.

But now the wildlife of the sea must be examined.

Soon Finn disappears into the depths.

Bella is desperately looking for Finn and she is comforted by one of Finn’s colleagues.

As it starts to rain, Bella seeks shelter with the nice lady.

(Hello Finn!? Are you going to settle down there?)

Even though it’s raining, Bella has decided to look for her friend.

She finds him with his ass up in search of garbage and treasures.

It is time to travel home …. the evening is on its way on the islands of Mua Pel’am.

Next chapter >


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