A turtle's journey

50. There is no need to look back

It’s the morning after Finn’s meeting with Angelo and Jeff. Life goes on and Finn returns to his daily chores.

When morning arrives, Angelo feeds the cat Archimedes before packing.

The residents of Ohan’ali say goodbye to a very unusual guest.

At that time, Finn is sailing in his outrigger canoe among the islands of Mua Pel’am

Finn does not look back.

He is busy with his investigations of the sea around the islands.

There are invasive bacteria that need to be fought.

Finn looks out over the sea.

Right now, the sun is going down and here the sunset is never the same.

As the last remnant of the sun has left the sky, Finn returns home to his family.

The neighbors have provided the food when Finn comes home.

Naja is still crazy about Duane.

Makoa tries to cheer Lia up… it is difficult as Lia has a very gloomy mind.

Since the New Year and Maria’s engagement, the boarding school has got a new teacher. ….Of course, she quickly becomes part of the clique.

Later, everyone has gone home …. except for a special guest who stays for the night.

Next chapter >


  • mypalsim

    Wooo Break out the romantic candles? hehe.
    I have an environmentalist sim in one of my free plays, and she’s a mermaid. I always have to send her to work because she can’t work from home because she can’t snorkel as it’s taboo with mermaids. Kinda bums me out, but that’s life.
    This was a nice little bit of catching up. 🙂

    • MonaSolstraale

      In my Danish network, they tease me that I am romantic … maybe?
      You have to compose the piquant details yourself … I’m sure you’ll do very well. Lol 😀

      I have not played very much with mermaids, so I did not realize they can not have that career.

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