Tusnelda and Trix

Diversity – A Pride month Spinoff

For some reason my game has chosen to eradicate all forms of gender diversity. It’s not a conscious decision, but when great passion arises between my Sims I have chosen not to go against it….maybe except for Rasmus and Blue. Evidently, I am not as innocent as I believe.
I have therefore chosen to import some sims from my previous games into Tusnelda’s world. It is not my intention for them to have a role in the story, but I certainly hope to meet them in the neighborhoods.


Jeff og Angelo

Jeff and Angelo have their origin as characters in A Turtle’s Journey. They live together with their cat Archimedes in a house in Windenburg. I am happy to see them again in my neighborhood.

Because they have room for it, I gave them some chickens. Here the chickens have chosen to enter the house, an area that is not intended for chicken coops.

Archimedes absolutely does not like chickens, so he tries to ignore them.

But, Cock-a-doodle-doo!…It can be a challenge to ignore their crowing and flapping of their wings.

As I said, no applause here. Please send me back to my old save, Archimedes seems to think.

When Archimedes flees up the stairs, the black hen tries to catch up with him in a great jump.
Fortunately, EA’s animators have not made the chickens able to fly, so Archimedes escapes the horror.

Fortunately, Jeff and Angelo seem to have settled in well in this new world of theirs.

When the Romance Festival appears, it is time for a romantic wedding for them.

I send Angelo to the bar to order his favorite drink and it turns out to be a pet drink for Archimedes.

Archimedes is very pleased with it and looks like he hopes Angelo will order another round.

My heart always beats tenderly for a cat lover 💖



Alexis is from my gallery. She had a long life in an old game, with her husband and three adopted children.
Later, she had a short career as a bachelorette in Queenarella’s Legacy-Bachelor-Challenge, generation 6.

I gave her a dog called Minnie, upon arrival in this world.

Here Alexis is getting to know the inhabitants of San Myshuno.

She has better luck with the contact when she meets Akira.

He immediately finds her to be very attractive.

Incidentally, Akira has a brief role as Elijah’s lover, without much success.
Now everyone probably knows why.

Today, Akira has moved into Alexis and Minnie’s apartment, where I foresee a bright future for them.

Those familiar with Akira from their games will know that he is employed as a Live Chat Support Agent.
I am still considering what might be a suitable career for Alexis?

She is a diva and that is why she became an actress in my old save.

There’s absolutely no reason to go down that road again since the game didn’t understand her particular preferences.

A better career choice would probably be becoming a freelance writer. For the time being, she will be in charge of the cooking in her home. Did I mention her favorite colors are red and pink?


I’ll be back soon with a regular chapter. I am working on it at the moment. I have spent a lot of time playing my game and making some posters for my game. These are a tribute to the diversity of love across gender and age.

Thanks for reading ❤


Thanks to Mercuryfoam for her Lie On Lap Interaction Mod that made it possible for me, to take the picture of Elijah and Akira on the bed.


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