90. Pay the consequence
In today’s chapter, Fatima does a lot of reflection on her life and her future. Marcus is overtaken by a future he has not prepared for. Elijah tries to capture an audience on a stage that doesn’t give him much space. Salim attracts unwanted attention as he tries to pursue his personal interests. Andy is both actor and spectator in a present that brings difficult changes for his mother and father. Tusnelda and Martin both still find themselves in a very sensitive present with grief as an inseparable companion. So many changes. They all try to deal with to what life brings them to the best of their abilities.
San Myshuno at 9:00 p.m.
At this unusual moment, we find Elijah and Fatima in a deep kiss about to say goodbye to each other.
Elijah is a man with many different projects. Tonight he will perform with a solo punk-rock concert in Del Sol Vally.
NB: Out of number comment. I really miss the ability to make bands in Sims4 😒
Fatima stares longingly at him as he leaves. In her eyes, he looks irresistible. She is still deeply in love with him.
Del Sol Valley at 10:00 p.m.
Elijah looks with satisfaction at the posters at the entrance to Orchid A Go Go.
This lounge is one of the locations on Starlight Boulevard that does not have special access requirements. You can still be lucky to come across both well-known artists and talent scouts on the spot.
To Elijah’s disappointment, the place seems almost deserted when he arrives.
Elijah confidently grabs the guitar and begins to perform. The audience will arrive later when the theaters and the cinemas have finished their performances.
Elijah is right in his prophecies. The audience comes but when famous musician and singer Thorne Bailey arrives with them, he gets all their attention. Not least the attention of the press photographers.
Elijah is actually standing and performing somewhere behind the many Thorne Bailey fans. It can be heard but not seen.
Fortunately, Thorne and his fans disappear into the bar and Elijah can finally attract attention.
A guy gives him some tips and praises him.
Later, two young girls stand in front of him and listen for a long time. He gives them a friendly wink.
“He’s cool and really handsome.” says one girl to the other.
There is no doubt that he loves to perform regardless of the size of the audience.
Suddenly, Thorne Bailey himself is standing right in front of him, watching his fingers dance over the strings intently.
“Wow I love that riff. You’re cool man!” he cheers.
Elijah gives him a friendly smile in thanks.
Finally, Elijah really managed to be captured by the lens of a renowned magazine photographer.
Since Thorne Bailey is in the photographer’s focus and Elijah stands with his back to him, it will not be a picture that will go down in world history for him.
Maybe Orchid A Go Go is not the right place for him if he wants to gain recognition for his talent as a rock guitarist.
San Myshuno at 2:00 a.m.
Elsewhere, Marcus has been awakened by some noise that hardly comes from a rock guitar.
“SALIM!!! You bloody idiot!”
If eyes could kill, Salim would have died on the spot, but he does not let himself be beaten.
“Hi neighbor! Do you want to join? I have some movies that will probably be to your taste.” says Salim with a cheeky look.
“Are you nuts Salim!? If you don’t turn down the volume on your obscure movies now I’m going to spank you so much you won’t be able to walk for the next few weeks! It won’t make you happy, I can guarantee that!” roars Marcus angrily.
“I mean NOW Salim or I’ll complain to the landlord.” Marcus concludes angrily.
“Hey chill man. I’m done.” replies Salim, disarmed.
As Marcus has thus made his point of view clear, they go their separate ways.
“Marcus, I hope you didn’t lose your temper with Salim. He seems kind of lonely.” Jade says.
“Not at all Jade. I just made my point clear and I am sure he understood my message.” says Marcus calmly.
“It’s almost morning so we should get some more sleep. Are you coming?” says Marcus.
“In just a minute.” Jade replies.
Several things happened in the previous picture which I will not comment on right now, but which may give a prediction about the future.
Right now there is peace and no extraneous disturbances.
In the apartment across the hall
It’s not just Marcus and Jade who have been woken up by Salim’s loud videos.
When Fatima finds the place in the bed empty next to her, she gets up. She slips into some worn-out jogging pants and begins to clean the flat.
She knows Elijah is spending the night in Del Sol Vally. It’s not that she doesn’t trust him, but it feels strange to be in his apartment without him there…. It is even more strange to think that she will soon call it their apartment.
There is enough to deal with for a diligent woman like Fatima. No one has ever been able to criticize the standard of hygiene in the clinic. She takes pride in maintaining a high standard.
Regarding the clinic, she has made a decision. She wants to quit her job as a secretary and start working full-time as a freelance website designer.
It’s not because she doesn’t like her current job, but she wants to follow her dreams and develop her abilities. She has been given the freedom to make that choice the day she bumped into Elijah.
It’s strange to think that at first she thought of him as a ruthless and shallow seducer of women. She wanted to prevent Jade from being taken advantage of by his sinister intentions and so…
Well quite obsessed she must admit he is seductive, but there is nothing ruthless or shallow about Elijah. He is ….
Here her thoughts and scrubbing are interrupted by some loud noises from the hallway.
“What’s now the problem? Can’t a man be allowed to collect some inspiration to write? Salim says annoyed.
“The problem is that you play deafening jazz while your neighbors are sleeping. Go to a nightclub like normal people.” Fatima says firmly.
Salim makes a hand gesture like he’s waving away an annoying fly.
“Chill woman. I cannot take responsibility for the fact that you all choose to live a boring life. You should have a little more tolerance for your fellow humans.”
“Salim! You don’t encourage much tolerance and you don’t make many friends that way. Turn the music down now!” Fatima shouts.
Despite protests, Salim fortunately complies with her demands. She goes into the clinic’s extra bedroom and sits on the edge of a bed. In front of her she sees a chest of drawers with a small picture of her and Elijah together. It’s from their first date.
She looks thoughtfully around the room that has been her permanent base for several years.
It is difficult to find available housing at an affordable price in a metropolis like San Myshuno. Originally, the room was equipped with three single beds as an accommodation option for the clinic’s employees. Lately, Kristine and John have started to sleep together, so it is high time she moved on.
There are still a few hours left in the night so she crawls under the covers in her bed.
She has the room to herself, Kristine and John are probably elsewhere. She soon falls into an undisturbed sleep which not even Salim’s excesses will manage to wake her from.
Early morning in Willow Creek
The atmosphere in Alice and Allan’s house seems rather tense. It is today that Allan joins the mission in StrangerVille.
He’s been on other missions before this one and he’s always had some uneasiness about leaving Alice alone. It hasn’t gotten any easier since Andy was born. So much more to lose.
Allan is sitting over breakfast when Alice comes with Andy on her arm.
She puts Andy in his high chair.
“It’s time for your breakfast baby boy. It’s rice porridge which I know you love.” she says encouragingly.
Maybe it’s the depressed atmosphere that makes Andy reject the food.
He lashes out angrily for the spoon and the food ends up on the floor.
“Andy! You’re gonna have to eat something!” Alice exclaims in annoyance. It’s not the first time Andy refuses to let her feed him, except for the bottle.
“Andy! Be nice to your mom.” says Allan.
Andy sends him a delighted grin.
NB: There is something in this picture that may give the readers some ideas, but luckily Alice is not pregnant.
“I can’t do this Allan! You shouldn’t be leaving.” Alice exclaims, flailing her arms in frustration.
“Please Alice. Let’s not start this conversation again. You are not alone. You have someone to help you” says Allan.
Allan refers to the elderly nanny we just see walking by.
Andy looks seriously at Allan who now begins to explain to him. “Andy, I trust you to behave well while I’m gone.” he says.
Alice sadly carries her breakfast to the sofa.
Andy carefully follows Allan’s mouth and facial expressions with his eyes as Allan explains that he will have to entrust his mother and him to look after each other while he is away.
“You must be the man of the house now.” Allan says seriously.
It’s really a lot for a small infant to take in and Andy doesn’t understand much either, other than that something worries his father.
A little later, Allan gets up to take Andy out of the high chair.
He sits on the stool and makes farting noises on Andy’s stomach. It tickles wonderfully and feels safe and familiar as always so Andy bursts out laughing. Everything is just fine.
Andy watches his father as he walks over and gives his mother a proper hug.
“It’s time for me to go Alice.” he says.
“I know Allan.” she says and hugs him back.
She holds him tight and gives him a kiss that lasts forever. How can she let go? They have just built up such mutual trust and care for one another. That’s not fair.
“I’ll be back before you know it. In the meantime, take good care.” Allan says softly.
His tone still seems so unlike him and makes her heart break. In recent times, he has grown into another more mature man. A man she can lean on.
Then the moment is definitive and Allan leaves them behind.
He confidently walks down the stairs of the house.
Soon he is swallowed by the horizon to an unknown fate.
Morning in San Myshuno
In San Myshuno Private Practice, Fatima is making coffee. No day has really begun until she drinks her first cup of coffee.
At the other end of the room is Kristine on her way to work at the hospital.
Marcus and Jade stand tightly wrapped around each other. They have hardly been as absorbed in each other before as now after Marcus finally gave Jade the coveted ring. For once, he hit the bull’s eye.
Jade goes to the bathroom and Fatima uses the moment to talk to Marcus privately.
“As you know Marcus, I have agreed to marry Elijah and that means I am definitively moving my private belongings to his apartment.” says Fatima.
“Yes, I thought you would.” Marcus replies.
“This also means I have decided to resign from my position as secretary after the wedding.” continues Fatima
“But why Fatima? You’re just moving across the hall!” Marcus protests loudly.
“I have decided to work freelance. Develop apps and set up websites for companies and private customers.” Fatima answers seriously.
“No Fatima you can’t. Is this one of Elijah’s headless crazy ideas he put in your head?” Marcus says angrily.
“I beg you pardon Marcus! You don’t mean that. It is of course my own idea.” says Fatima, taken aback over his insolence.
Now Jade joins them.
She sits down. “You guys look pretty fired up? What are you talking about”
“I have some bad news. Fatima has just told me she intends to leave her job when she gets married. How do I find a new secretary with her overview and skills?”
“Well thanks Marcus! I’ll take that as a compliment.” interjects Fatima.
“Well yes, it might get difficult, but I have some really joyful breaking news.” Jade says excitedly.
“I just found out I’m pregnant.”
The silence that follows makes time stand still for a moment.
“You figured out what!?” Marcus moans.
“I am pregnant. We are going to have a child.” Jade repeats excitedly.
“Did you get what she said?” Marcus asks in disbelief, his eyes fixed on Fatima.
“Yes! Congratulations Marcus! You are going to have a child.”
“Don’t look so shocked Marcus. This is wonderful news. It will be a child you can follow all its growth from newborn to teenager.”
“But this is unexpected… We’re not even married yet,” says Marcus.
“Have you ever considered that there might be a consequence to practicing risky woohoo and since when did you become a moralist who cares about being married before it shows?” says Jade.
“I know all about consequences so don’t lecture me, Jade. Besides, I’m not a moralist, but we haven’t talked it through properly yet and I….uh…”
“…. there is something we haven’t talked about yet.” says Marcus, as he shrinks.
“What? You did agree that we should have children, didn’t you?.” says Jade.
“Yeah, I know but there’s…well, it’s kind of hard, but…”
“You’re weird Marcus. Now you suddenly don’t want children?” Jade says concerned.
“No, I mean yes…uh… that sounds wrong, I mean…”
Suddenly Marcus turns to Fatima. “Fatima, can’t you explain?”
Jade stands up. If Marcus has regretted, where does that leave her now? She is determined to carry her pregnancy through…She will talk it through with Eva, though Factory One probably not a place for children to grow up.
Something in Fatima’s reaction makes her stop and listen
“No I can’t Marcus. You have to pull yourself together. It’s not my job to do.”
Thus, it will finally be the day where Marcus reveals a secret from his hidden past, about his daughter Maria.
“You have a daughter!?” Jade exclaims in shock.
“Marcus! You brain dead idiot. Why didn’t you tell me a long time ago?” Jade moans.
“I sort of passed the right time before we were suddenly a steady couple.” replies Marcus, bewildered.
“Do you pay child support to this child? Do you see her?” Jade asks.
“No, I don’t…I….her mother denies I have any rights.” Marcus explains himself.
He is rather surprised by Jade’s laid back comments.
“If you don’t pay child support, I can’t see what significance it has for us and in a way I think it’s funny this woman has managed to trick you.” Jade says.
Marcus takes a flight. Jade’s relaxed reaction is a lot for him to digest on top of a long postponement of a delicate conversation.
Fatima turns to Jade worriedly. “Are you all right dear?” she says caringly.
Marcus has landed in front of the aquarium in the clinic’s reception and waiting room. He thoughtfully watches the calm movements of the two fish.
Everything in him is in internal rebellion. His recent engagement. The news about the pregnancy. He’s barely digested that he’s no longer an uncommitted bachelor… The relief at Jade’s unexpectedly relaxed reaction. In a way, she never reacts the way he expects. It dawns on him that perhaps there is quite a lot he does not yet know about the woman he is to marry.
“Yes, I’m ok Fatima. That’s just typical Marcus. His pride forbids him from showing any scratches on his self image. I’d better see how he’s doing.” Jade replies.
“I think you read him pretty well. You know what you’re getting yourself into.” Fatima answers kindly.
Marcus turns to Jade when he hears her enter the room.
“Jade I’m so sorry. I wasn’t proud to discover that I have an unknown daughter. I’ve been acting irresponsibly and I was afraid you would despise me. I should have talked to you a long time ago…..I never asked her mother…I thought our relationship was just about mutual enjoyment, but I’m assuming she wanted more than that.” Marcus says, embarrassed.”
“She wanted to settle down and have a child Marcus. I can follow her that far. I want that too and I hope you want to raise that child with me.” Jade says in a firm voice.
“Yes, I do.” Marcus says without a doubt.
I have often described Fatima as very omnipresent, so it is hardly a coincidence that she chooses to enter the waiting room right now. Some might describe her as being unbridled curious, but she is first and foremost driven by a genuine concern for her fellow human beings.
Here, however, there is no cause for concern as Marcus and Jade choose to continue the rest of their honest, confidential conversation in their private room. We will leave them to privacy.
Morning in Brindleton Bay
Martin has resumed his passion for climbing.
It’s like he’s trying to put the grief behind him by physically distancing himself from it.
On Dr Flex’s recommendation, Tusnelda has taken a few days off to recover.
If Martin has left the grief on the ground, she is standing in the middle of it. How can she release it when she is the reason it exists?
Tusnelda stands at the easel. She doesn’t have much practice, but she remembers that painting has given her some joy in the past.
She tries to let go of all control and let the brush find its own way.
A crying baby suddenly appears in front of her.
Perhaps others would interpret this motif differently, but interpretations are always colored by the viewer’s state of mind.
Suddenly, Martin stands in front of her, surprisingly cheerful.
“Hey Sweetie, how are you?” he says.
His recent good performance on the climbing wall has put him in a better mood, but as he listens to Tusnelda’s complaint, he realizes that it might be a mistake.
“How do you think I am feeling, Martin? I don’t understand how you can smile. Wasn’t it your wish for us to have a child? How can you let it go so easily.” she says reproachfully.
“Oh Sweetie, I’m so sorry. We’ll get through this.” he says, hugging her.
He can feel his touch making her tense muscles relax. Fortunately, she doesn’t reject him.
“How can you be so sure Martin.” she says with tears in her eyes.
“I’m a fighter and so are you. We’ve overcome other battles before this one.” he says and gives her a light kiss.
While Martin comforts Tusnelda, a dog walker approaches in the background.
“Tusnelda. I have to prepare for a soccer match I’m going to play later today. Are you ok?” says Martin.
“Yes, you can go…that’s fine.” she replies.
Tusnelda sits down at the chessboard when a voice makes her look up.
“Sorry to interrupt you in your game, but do you know if we can continue to the beach further ahead?” the dog walker asks.
“No, I’m sorry but that road dead ends. You have to go back through the tunnel to get to the beach.” replies Tusnelda politely. Then she hesitates a little….
“Can I pat your dog?” she says.
The dog walker’s name is Alexis and the dog’s name is Minnie. Tusnelda greets them both. Minnie is a really sweet and friendly dog.
Martin drops his attention from the screen for a moment and looks out at Tusnelda. He can see she is petting a dog. She seems very fond of dogs. Maybe they should…?
He doesn’t even finish his own thought before he is once again absorbed by the information on the screen.
He is not fond of dogs and they already have far too many cats to be able to give them all proper attention.
Tusnelda looks thoughtfully at the dog walker walking down to the beach. She should move on herself.
She gets up and leaves the sad painting. Her vegetable garden needs her attention. She can feel the grief leave her for a moment. It’s a relief.
San Myshuno around noon
Fatima sits concentrated bent over her administrative work.
She hears a light knock on the clinic’s front door and sees the shadow of Elijah. Soon after, he disappears.
What on earth is the point?
She sees him at the elevator. He is wearing training clothes so he will probably go for a run.
“Oh hi Fatima. I don’t want to disturb your work. Just to show that I’m home safe and sound.” he says.
“You are not disturbing me. I’ve missed you, Elijah.” she says, hugging him.
“I’ve only been away half a day.” he says, following her.
“That’s long enough.” she replies.
Marcus looks worriedly at Jade. They have had part of their confidential conversation in bed and now she looks like she is going to get sick.
“Are you sick Jade? Shall I get a thermometer?” he asks worriedly.
“Aren’t you a specialist in pregnancy and reproduction?” Jade asks as she walks past him.
“But this is not a matter of profession. You are my partner. I love you Jade.” Marcus defends himself.
“Like all your clients, they have someone who loves them.” Jade replies.
Marcus feels a little stupid and moves on. Of course, as a professional doctor, he knows that nausea in the first months of pregnancy is quite normal.
“Hey Jade, won’t you come sit next to me for a bit?” he asks.
“Sorry Marcus, but I’m starving. I need to find some food right now.” she replies.
Thus, it seems that the question of illness has long since finished being debated.
“I want to ask you Elijah, will you invite Marcus to our wedding? I think that means something coming from you.” says Fatima.
“I’ll do anything for you Fatima, but Marcus and I aren’t exactly on the same page. I don’t understand why me?”
“That’s exactly why.” Fatima says, blowing him a kiss.
Marcus has followed Jade into the living room. Now John sends him a searching look.
“What’s going on Marcus?” he asks.
“What do you mean? Nothing out of the ordinary today.” says Marcus with a poker face.
“Hey Marcus, we’ve lived and worked together for so long that I can see there’s something you’re thinking about.” insist John.
Fortunately, Marcus avoids answering as the door opens and Elijah enters the room.
Elijah does not wait for an invitation before sitting down.
John gets to his feet. Conversations between Marcus and Elijah tend to be quite tense and painful to watch.
“Well I can tell by you she’s been gossiping.” says Marcus.
“I have no idea what you’re referring to Marcus. I’m just coming to invite you and Jade to our wedding in four weeks.” says Elijah.
“Oh? I see. Of course we’d like to participate,” says Marcus.
Elijah quickly stands up again. The job is done and there is no need to drag out the conversation.
Also, he wants to catch up with John and deliver him an invitation.
Marcus watches for Elijah as he leaves. Had it not been for him, he would not have lost his secretary. It will be hard to forgive.
However, it seems in a way foolish they still despise each other. They are both fond of sports and training. That should give them something to talk about.
In Marcus’s case, the contempt is probably mostly rooted in a time when he was not particularly sure of Jade and Elijah’s intentions. Now Elijah is going to marry Fatima, so he shouldn’t doubt his intentions anymore.
Nor should he doubt Jade, but somehow she always surprises him where he least expects it.
“Well Fatima, Marcus accepted my invitation and so did john.”
“Thanks Elijah, that’s good. I think Marcus and you have a lot in common and could become good friends.” Fatima says seriously.
“Marcus is a snob, so that might be setting the bar too high.” laughs Elijah.
“Speaking of something else, how was your concert.” interjects John.
It gives Elijah the opportunity to entertain with how Thorne Bailey ran with all the attention and he ended up as a background musician himself.
Elijah is definitely a confident man, but not a guy without a sense of humor, so that brings great amusement to all of them. In any case, it paid him well.
A little later they part and Elijah resumes his postponed intention of going for a run.
Afternoon in Brindleton Bay
Tusnelda stands in the shed and manufactures health treats for the cats.
It makes her miss her work in the secret lab.
Maybe she should talk to Dr. Flex. She is not sure that this break is doing her any good.
She is interrupted by her mobile phone ringing. She can see it’s the clinic’s number.
“Hi doctor Flex. Yes, my health is fine. I was just thinking of asking you something…”
She has just finished the conversation when Martin seeks her out.
“I have to go now Tusnelda. I’ve been thinking that maybe you could visit Rasmus while I’m gone.”
“Why Martin? I can handle myself.” she answered wonderingly.
A little later, Martin is on his way. The upcoming soccer game allows him to focus on something he can control. At least something where he has an influence on the outcome.
The awareness that she is now all alone seems overwhelming to Tusnelda. The emptiness makes room for the sadness to creep in again.
When she enters the house, she sees all the cats gathered in the kitchen. She is not completely alone.
She sits down at the table and begins to put words to her pain in a diary. When she later closes the book, she can leave it there for a while.
Afternoon in StrangerVille
Allan has just arrived at his accommodation and now he stands and looks at everything with a skeptical look.
He had expected some kind of military camp, but this looks more like an ordinary house. Not far from the house he comes from.
A little later his group arrives. Two young guys from his home barracks.
He didn’t choose them himself, and the one guy Ezra has had quite a few conflicts with him before. But of course it belongs to a past before the Grand Marshal began training his balance. Ezra is physically strong but a bit of a soft dude.
He has only had good experiences with the other guy Taylor. He is ambitious, active and very adventurous. Characteristics he recognizes and values.
“Hey Ezra. This bed is a lot better than the hard bunks in the barracks.” Taylor says satisfied.
“Yes, I agree. I guess we didn’t come to sleep, but a little nap can’t hurt.” Ezra replies.
“I’ll start by patrolling the area.” Taylor says.
Here, Taylor is obviously the most reasonable. If Allan discovers that Ezra is sleeping, he will certainly not be happy. However, Allan is busy fighting with a training dummy.
Taylor starts his patrol.
Allan is interrupted by the phone. It’s Alice calling.
They have a short conversation together where Allan confirms that he has arrived safely and asks how Andy is behaving.
Allan resumes his training. He knows he has an as yet unknown enemy to fight and that requires him to be top-notch.
Afternoon in San Myshuno
After Marcus has finished the day’s tasks, he decides to go for a run.
The day has been a mental roller coaster.
He just had a conversation with one of his patients that made him realize how lucky he is. She has struggled so much to get pregnant and then she had a miscarriage. He hasn’t yet had any challenges getting a woman pregnant. You could say quite the opposite.
He looks absently at a group of people discussing something in front of him.
He is already the father of a healthy child and he has no reason to fear it will be different this time. As Fatima expressed it, this time he has the opportunity to follow his child’s upbringing. He should be grateful, shouldn’t he?
As Marcus runs I spot this painting. It doesn’t matter to the story, I guess, but I like it.
Marcus turns his direction and continues his run.
Not so far away from Marcus, Elijah has just had a shower. Now he is standing petting Ambrosius.
He has never considered himself to be a cat person, but Ambrosius is a very special cat.
Which is a statement about 80-90% of all cat owners will say about their cats. They are creatures with a big personality. 😽
Elijah sits down with his phone to see if there are any reviews from his recent performance. Once again he can confirm that Thorne Bailey has received all the attention.
Well, he who dares nothing wins nothing.
It doesn’t take long before Ambrosius is sitting by his side.
When Elijah leaves the room, Ambrosius follows him.
At least he has one loyal fan.
Elijah sits down at the computer and edits some pictures. There are still a few hours until Fatima is free.
Down in front of the subway station, Marcus has run into Don.
“Hey Don! What are you doing in this end, so far from Oasis Springs?”
“Hi Marcus! I’ve been looking at an apartment. It wasn’t in my price range, but there’s no rush. For now I have a room with a friend. No need to talk about it any further right now, so how are you doing?”
“I’ve had a rollercoaster of a day, but I’m feeling great Don. I’m getting married to Jade and today I found out she’s pregnant. We’re going to be parents!” Marcus says excitedly.
“Wow! Stop Marcus!…marriage!?…pregnancy!?… When did all that happen?”
“It’s life Don. It’s just playing tricks on you without you knowing it. In a way, it is great that you do not have to make a decision yourself. It will probably never be. Don’t you agree?” says Marcus with a big smile.
Don only mumbles an indistinct answer so Marcus continues….
“About you looking for an apartment? I assume Katrina has always been some kind of sugar daddy to you, hasn’t she?” Marcus asks.
The question makes Don rather uncomfortable….
“We made amazing sparkles together, but Katrina sort of kicked me out. We had some disagreements about the future. It couldn’t go on.” Don says, with a tormented face expression that probably says something about his struggle to digest the changes happening around him.
“For a cheap apartment you should try the Spice Market district but what disagreements are you talking about?” Marcus asks.
“Sorry Marcus, I’m kind of busy right now but it was nice meeting you. Thanks for the tip. See you at the Harbor Quarter Gym.” Don says and leaves.
Don moves on with his usual carefree confident gait. Marcus is left with a feeling that there is a lot Don chooses not to say. He is absolutely right.
Don has always considered Rasmus a bit odd despite their friendship, so the fact that he is married and is going to have a child doesn’t bother him.
But Marcus? The very personified symbol of a free independent life? Don is in shock.
Marcus sets the route towards his home.
The group of people in the square are still engrossed in their discussions. A blush in the sky reveals that evening is near.
Fatima has just finished today’s tasks.
Elijah goes out to the garbage chute with some trash.
They spot each other across the hall.
They hit each other right outside their apartment’s front door.
Ambrosius comes out to welcome Fatima, but he can see she is busy.
Instead, he curiously walks towards a neighbor who is reading a message on a notice board.
For a long moment, the two stand and measure each other.
Salim is unsure whether to approach the cat or chase it away.
Ambrosius in doubt whether he should smear himself or hiss.
The moment becomes too overwhelming for both of them so Salim returns his attention to the notice board and Ambrosius returns to Fatima.
He reaches her just as Elijah loosens his hold on her.
“Hey sweet boy. Aren’t you the best.” she coos.
“Apparently there is a Thorne Bailey in all disguises. Once again, I’m the man in the shadows” Elijah says.
Evening in StrangerVille
There is no cook employed to provide food for the soldiers. This is the reason why Allan is now stirring a pot.
Allan is sitting over dinner when Taylor comes home from his patrol.
Taylor takes a quick shower and heads out to the kitchen to get some food.
Now Ezra is coming sleep-drunk in the direction of the bath. He has now hired himself out for the night shift.
Their first task will be to mingle with the locals at 8 Bells bar in the hope of gathering some useful information.
A task that does not meet with resistance from Allan’s special unit.
However, there are no locals in the bar when they arrive.
Over time, some residents come by and they are very willing to share rumors about a mysterious laboratory located a few miles out in the desert.
A guy tells Allah about a gigantic explosion that has destroyed the entire laboratory. No one has approached that place since and rumor has it that there is a deadly virus in there.
While Allan inquires with other local residents, it occurs to him that the enemy he has to fight may be of a different form than he is used to.
He also gets a tip on where he can get more information.
This tip is the reason why Allan immediately leaves the bar.
Ezra and Taylor stay back at the bar. There are quite a few (young and beautiful) female soldiers to communicate with. Surely they could have some useful information?
Allan has been directed to speak with Erwin Pries. He is a conspiracy theorist who, every night, sells souvenirs from his strange Curio Shop. In addition to souvenirs, he also sells secret information.
Allan buys a lava lamp and some other knick-knacks while he inquires with Erwin. He realizes one thing. They will have to investigate that lab.
Evening in San Myshuno
Fatima eats her dinner in a hurry and quickly sets about do the dishes.
“You seem a little stressed?” says Elijah.
He continues calmly with his food while he hears Fatima splashing the water.
Finally it dawns on him that something is wrong.
“Let me call the landlord, It’s not the first time that faucet leaks.”
“There is no need.” says Fatima.
“Wow Fatima! You have fixed the faucet! You really are a handywoman.” he exclaims impressed.
“I just do what’s needed.” says she.
“Ain’t I a lucky man with such a handy woman close by?” Elijah continued to chatter as Fatima mopped up the puddle.
“What do you feel like doing now? Any web pages that have a deadline?” Elijah asks kindly.
“Fatima stretches her body. No, I’m done. It’s been a long and busy day. Now I’m feeling pretty tired and sweaty.” says Fatima.
“Did you say sweaty? Well I know a place we can fix that.” says Elijah.
“You do? Aren’t you a handyman too?” laughs Fatima.
Late evening in Brindleton Bay
Martin has played a soccer match and still chooses to run along the beach. He and Tusnelda have eaten together and she seemed to be fine.
He loves to run. It clears his mind and makes him feel in control.
When he gets home, he finds Tusnelda crying on the edge of the bed.
“I’m so sorry Sweetie. How can I help you?” he asks.
She sends him a hurt, searching look.
“Why am I the only one grieving? I thought you wanted this child as much as I did and you just carry on like nothing happened? I feel so abandoned.” says Tusnelda.
“I’m so sorry if it looks like that, Tusnelda. It doesn’t mean I’m not grieving. I’m just trying to manage my grief so it doesn’t suffocate me.” he replies with tears in his eyes.
“You are not abandoned Tusnelda. I love you and I really want to help you feel better.”
“I’m sorry I misunderstood you Martin. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”
“Isn’t that the most important thing right now, Sweetie? We love each other and we’re in this together.” he says.
“Yes, that’s probably the most important thing right now.” she replies.
Shortly afterwards she goes to bed.
Martin enters the living room to do the dishes. His eyes are drawn to the painting above the fireplace.
He painted it for Tusnelda the very first time he spent the night with her. He was so in love that night and everything pointed to happiness.
He stands for a while to draw strength from the bright memory in the painting.
Happiness is a strange feeling. When you find it, you want to hold on to it forever. On the day he met Tusnelda, he became a very happy man.
However, if Tusnelda believes the grief is easier for Martin, she is terribly mistaken.
Now is the time to let go of all the heavy thoughts and surrender to the night.
Night in San Myshuno
The night has begun and the fatigue is starting to affect Jade.
“I don’t get it Marcus. Why did you choose to share the secret of your child with Fatima over me? Shouldn’t we be each other’s confidants?” says Jade.
“It wasn’t my choice. You know Fatima. She figured it out somehow and then she got me to talk. I don’t know how…. She actually told me to tell you right away, but I didn’t dare risk you leaving me.” he defends himself.
“It’s kind of cute, but promise me that you won’t go behind my back from now on.” says Jade.
“I won’t. I promise you,” he says gently.
Luckily she didn’t ask him to reveal all his secrets so his facade is still intact.
Not everything from the past needs to come to light. They both know this, and thus the harmony is intact.
Night in StrangerVille
8 Bell’s bar is closed for the night so there is no more gossip to gather. The small group has just arrived at their base.
I don’t remember the glowing orb being there when we left, sir?” Taylor asks.
Allan directs his gaze in the direction he is looking.
He is right. That thing certainly didn’t exist a few hours ago.
Allan approaches hesitantly. It does not look earthly.
He takes a picture for documentation.
Now he sees a strange guy approaching. His attire reveals he must be one of Erwin’s friends.
“It’s growing.” he says.
Now he bends down on his knees and looks closely at the bright plant-like growth.
“It’s definitely getting more vitality.”
“Excuse me sir, but what is this? Is it a plant?” asks Allan.
“You didn’t hear it from my mouth, but the big alien has spread its seed and now they are ready to take over the world.” the man replies.
Allan has hung some family photos on the wall and lit a blue lava lamp on the chest of drawers. It reminds him of Alice. She loves everything blue.
The information he has been able to collect so far resembles, most of all, some crazy conspiracy theories. Not much makes sense. One thing is certain. He will have to get an access card to that lab.
Ezra knocks on the door to receive some orders regarding the night patrol. Allan asks him to keep an eye out to see if he sees more glowing plants.
Allan salutes and wishes him a good shift.
Ezra is barely out the door when Allan is ready to go to bed. It has been a long eventful day.
On the other side of the bed hang some pictures of Andy and Alice. They will be the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes tomorrow.
Author’s Note: This chapter ends with Allan in StrangerVille. It is not my intention to describe the entire StrangerVille mystery, but I would like to give a small taste of some of the challenges Allan faces. Not least that he has to do without his family. How Alice does her part I will return to later.
You can probably say that this chapter has offered challenges and changes for most of the characters, so I will now end with a little lullaby. They may all need a good night’s sleep. Enjoy.
That bull terrier Minnie is so cute! But what’s going on with that stray, Bella? (At least, I think that’s her name!) I’m waiting for someone to adopt her!
Bella/Sasha will return.
I have also found a family for her, but a little further into the future 😉
This chapter is certainly bitter-sweet. With the happiness that some characters are having and the grief that others are going through. I’m glad that Tusnelda and Martin are talking about it now, at least enough for them to understand how the other is feeling.
I also like the casual way you are incorporating the goings on at Strangerville, through the eyes of a character we have already seen deal with a lot in his own personal story line.
But most of all, I need to express my absolute LOVE of the random ghost who showed up randomly and got embarrassed by Elijah and Fatima in the shower. 🤣🤣 Classic Sims.
There is no recipe for how grief should be experienced and processed. It is individual from person to person. Fortunately, Tusnelda and Martin are able to talk and listen to each other when they misunderstand each other.
When Allan is given a task, you can be sure that he will carry it out with the same determined tenacity with which he has already fought his inner demons. He does not yet know the disguise of this new, unknown ghost, but it may just come on.
Speaking of ghosts. Elijah’s apartment is teeming with them, resulting in constantly leaking sanitation. They seem to be mostly concerned with what is going on in bed and like here the shower. Elijah and Fatima are so far so absorbed in their own bubble that they barely notice they exist.
Salim is such a terrible housemate to have to put up with xD he’s constantly getting complaints from everybody and does not change one bit. Oh dear, that’s a familiar gesture that Jade is making. Marcus might be about to get a second chance at parenthood…
Telling a literal infant to be the “man of the house”… sigh. Allan has come very far, but he’s still got certain beliefs ingrained in him xD Alice isn’t debunking that belief either though, with how much she is against being by herself. I hope that everything continues going well with those two.
So Jade really is pregnant! And Fatima is resigning. Big changes for everyone at that table. Oof, and Marcus is not taking the news well. I had to do a double-take when he tried to get Fatima to explain his own situation for him. Be an adult, Marcus! Work through your problems and don’t run away from them! You can do it! I’m glad that Jade didn’t respond to the news of his daughter as if it were a threat.
Tusnelda and Martin are still in the grieving process. It’s a lot to handle, but they’ve got each other for comfort. Martin is trying to stay strong for Tusnelda, but I can imagine that for her, having him “move past” it so easily invalidates Tusnelda’s feelings a bit.
Don! Oooh yup Don, Marcus’s life is changing in the blink of an eye as well. Life is always changing, no matter how hard you try to hold on.
I like that we get to go with Allan and see his mission with the other soldiers! Oooh, are they going towards the Strangerville story? Neat! Awww, and he’s hung up pictures of Alice and Andy. He really has grown <3
Ah. So Tusnelda feels the same that I did – having Martin seem so strong and ready to move on, even if it’s just a front, actually invalidates Tusnelda’s grief and makes her feel abandoned. I’m glad that they talked it out right there <3
Salim is, as you write, terrible to live next to because of his recurring noisy behavior. (I’ve thought about finding a Mod that counters the annoying neighborhood noise that is part of the San Myshuno neighborhood, but I think it fits Salim’s character pretty well.) I think Salim is pretty lonely and socially awkward.
Allan is generally worried about leaving Alice and Andy, but nothing will stop him from failing in his duty.
Andy can’t possibly be the man of the house, but the remark shows Allan’s concern about how Alice will manage without him. Alice’s statements have given him reason for distrust.
I don’t know how much of the StrangerVille story I will show, but I think it makes sense to show where Allan is now and that he has his family in mind. He’s really evolved.
There are big changes waiting for everyone around the breakfast table. It can’t get behind Marcus that Jade wants children, but when he keeps putting off cleaning up his own property, he ends up being taken without warning.
Fatima is constantly pushing Marcus in the direction of taking responsibility for himself and when it comes down to it, it’s not such fatal secrets he hides.
Of course his daughter is a surprise but I think Jade is well aware of Marcus’ hidden habits from their time together in Factory One.
Marcus tries to maintain the illusion that no one knows what he hides behind the facade. It’s wasted effort when it comes to Jade and Fatima.
Don is seriously learning that life is not static. Everyone around him is moving on and if he doesn’t jump on the train he risks being left on an empty platform.
Both Tusnelda and Martin are still in a grieving process. Their personal ways of dealing with it are very different and this poses a danger of tearing them apart. In a way, it makes both of them lonely.
It is an important step for both of them to be able to honestly share how it affects them.
Finally, I want to say thank you so much for your comment. ❤
I have had some health problems that have taken my attention away from the story. It was a nice wake-up call that reminded me of all the characters I love.
I’m happy to give you the reminder! I wish you all the health and am glad to return your attention to Tusnelda and friends 😄
Elijah surely is a man of many talents!
Marcus, be careful with threatening Salim with a spanking, he might like it! But seriously, Salim really needs to be more considerate 😂
Awww, Andy and Allan are so cute. I think Allan is going to struggle with being away. I’m really worried that something might happen to him, he’s come so far. He still needs to stop telling a baby to be the man of the house though!
I’m glad Marcus’ secret is finally out! Hopefully they can both finally settle down in this relationship. And it’s cute that he’s just as worried as other dads-to-be despite being a doctor. I’m also glad that Don got to see that people can indeed change.
Poor Tusnelda and Martin, I’m glad to see they’re slowly healing, and I hope that Tusnelda understands that Martin isn’t less sad just because he’s handling it differently ❤️
Elijah has many creative and musical abilities and I needed to get him away from his home to justify Fatima spending the night at the Private Clinic. 😅
I had to laugh at the comment that Salim would like to be spanked. It was not me but my translate program that chose that word. It’s hilarious 😂
Allan is worried about how Alice will cope without him (Not without reason), but giving an infant the responsibility of a man is completely out of the question. It is probably mostly an expression of a desperate act on Allan’s part. 🤔
Marcus certainly didn’t have much to fear. The surprise of Jade’s reaction gives him a kind of realization that makes him take this new fatherhood as a gift. He realizes he is a lucky man.
Although he is a doctor, he is first and foremost a vulnerable person when it comes to those he loves. It shows a humanity that gives him an extra facet.
Don gets something of an eye opener when he sees Marcus’s excitement over Jade’s pregnancy. Don is pretty shaken, yet again. Hopefully it will give him reason to grow.
Tusnelda and Martin have a very different way of handling their grief. It can tear them apart, but luckily they are able to have an honest conversation about what it means to both of them. They are a strong couple. 🥰
I am very happy about your comment, which has made me direct my gaze towards the characters I love and have missed.
I have some health problems that cause me great pain and it has taken my focus away from the story. I’m working on the next chapter little by little. Thanks ❤