Everything has an end, and everything has a beginning
On the balcony is an easel with a painting. In the painting you see a small Pacific Island ….. It makes me remember that if you open your eyes and heart then you might have the chance to find your Paradise …. Is it real ore is it just a story? ….The truth may be hiding somewhere in the middle.
Once upon a time there was a little boy who dreamed of traveling out to find the turtles’ place of origin.
All man on board! Let the journey begin!
Along the way, he headed east and west.
He met a lot that scared him on the journey.
Pirates and bandits.
Horror, darkness and danger.
But along the way, he also found new and beautiful oceans.
For those who keep searching end up finding a treasure….
Finn is siting and thinking on everything he has seen and achieved….
…. If only Grandma could see it all now.
Author’s note: I feel like attaching a thank you to this story.
First of all, thanks to pammiechick and MaggieMarley/aprielpearl98 who gave me the courage to create a WordPress page and share this story.
Then thank you to everyone for your comments that gave me the courage and desire to continue. I have been happy for each and every one.
It has been a great pleasure.
Extra: Postcard from Sulani
Congratulations- I loved the recap in pictures. It’s always satisfying to complete something.
Thank you for your support ❤
Congratulations on completing the story!
Thank you! ❤
It’s over… and you ended it so beautifully, a feast for the eyes. I hope this isn’t the last we hear from you! ❤
Thank you! ❤️
That was just lovely. The flashbacks of Finn playing on the ship as a kid, the beautiful screenshots of Sulani, and those last few pictures of a happy Finn sailing away… gah <3 wonderful ending. I really enjoyed reading your story. You ended it so well. Congratulations on completing a turtle's journey!
Thank you very much for your kind feedback ❤
NB: I was so lucky when I took the pictures of Finn playing on the ship. Naja played on the toodler playground in the background and her imagination created the sea and the fish. Together with Finn’s body language, it became perfect.
What a perfect ending! I absolutely love how we see Finn sailing off into the rest of his life. I’d like to think Grandma CAN see how Finn and Naja’s life has turned out.
Thank you very much! ❤
Grandma is a very important person in Finn’s life…. Sometimes I also think like that about those I have lost. I can almost hear their voice.
Awh man… that was the end of Finn’s adventures! What a beautiful ending. Im a little sad but at least now I am finally catching up! I hioe you continue to make more beautiful stories!
Thank you for your participation and your many comments ❤
I’m already started on a new story. I’m struggling a bit more with it so it’s not going to go that fast this time 🙂