23. Tracing
Finn is desperate. He misses his sister, but where has she gone and how will he ever find her and make it right again? ….He has a little friend who is eager to help him.
Finn swims at full speed over the water
His new job requires him to write reports on the state of nature.
Bella waits patiently for Finn to take time to go for a walk.
Finn’s thoughts are heavy and black …. Naja is so young and naive, but that’s why he should not shout at her.
Come Bella! Let us find Naja.
Finn looks around confused …. where are all the people?
Finn turns around again ….he has to apologize to Naja.
Bella hurries off with her nose in the sand …
…… back and forth as she searches for trace.
A dolphin looks curiously at the girl in the water … Bella hears the dolphin’s happy call.
Yip, yip, yip! Woof! (I found her Finn! I saw her out in the water!)
Finn does not understand a sound. He gives Bella a hug … Now we’m going home Bella! Just you and me.
Awwwwww! That was so cute how Bella came to Finn like Lassie would in the old TV show. That was adorable how you had her barking translated. 🙂
I loved to watch Lassie when I was a child 🙂
… and Flipper
Ahaha this is kinda cute even if Finn didn’t understand a thing.