27. If you go through hell then keep going…
Finn is determined to face the fear he has avoided for so long. He starts his journey through hell ….
What is hiding behind the anxiety? Perhaps he will discover that the fear is blocking him from facing reality.
Mean and vicious as hell …
Tom always had to show up and would never stand back like a chicken to Jeff.
There was always trouble and accidents where Jeff and Tom were in the area …
Finn struggles to bring out the next memory ….. but there was a day when a change began.
There was a day when a new boy arrived at the orphanage … His name was Angelo.
Angelo could play the violin… .and even Jeff became completely calm when it happened.
It was the first evening Angelo ate with the boys.
Finn had not forgotten his good upbringing and went to introduce himself.
And this is my friend Tom.
Shut up Finn!!! …..I have absolutely no friends !!!…
…. You are and you will always be a hopeless wimp!
Angelo looks kindly at Finn’s sad face.
Finn has lost the desire to eat with the other boys.
He has taken his food up to the dormitory … You will soon hate this place Angelo! Everyone does!
A little later, both boys are asleep.
A nice friend memory?
Thank you for your comment 🙂
Angelo is a very nice and special guy.
You will see much more about him in the next sections 😉
Ah, so that’s where my army of gnomes went. They’re taking gnomey revenge of Jeff and Tom for being bullies. xD
Geez, Tom, no wonder you have no friends if you sneer at everybody like that. I wonder what happened to Angelo in there – Finn was so closed-off and angry when he came out. But maybe he did manage to make one friend in the end?
The comments about your army of gnomes made me laugh 😀
Tom does not make life easier for himself … or those around him.
Woah Tom has quite the anger built up there. Not very nice of him to take it out on Finn like that. Angelo seems to take on his name very well if you know what i mean ;D
I know what you mean. It may not be a coincidence that Angelo got that name. It came to me when I created his character 🙂