A turtle's journey

29. The breakthrough

Finn graves deeper in the memories. Angelo was something special. Angelo was not really influenced by the gloomy atmosphere of the orphanage.

Angelo was different.

Angelo was always friendly and he did not let himself be influenced by the gloomy atmosphere at the orphanage.

Jeff never answered viciously when Angelo spoke to him.

There was something magical about Angelo when he played his violin.

Finn has to look deep inside before he sees the following memory.

It was the day when the whole group went to Sakura festival.

No one could predict what was going to happen….

……and maybe it was because of the effect of the sakura tea.

No matter how much Tom tried to mock or threaten, it did not help him.

This time, the darkness had lost to Angelo’s magical self-esteem.

As Finn travels out of the darkness, the memories have taken on new colors.

Next chapter >


    • MonaSolstraale

      Thank you for living into the story 🙂
      Jeff is very attracted to Angelo.
      I think it was very interesting to see Tom’s facial expression.

      I have met people like Angelo who hold on to their self-esteem no matter what happens in their environment.
      I think they always have a good influence on people around them.

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